▷ Intro
★ Goal : PL에서 제공되는 데이터 타입이 현실의 문제 범위에 얼마나 잘 일치할까?!
How well the DATA TYPES provided by a programming language match the REAL WORLD PROBLEM DOMAIN?
★ Primitive data type vs. User-defined data type
★ Concept and Implementation
♠ Data type : a collection of data value and a set of predefined operations on those values.
※ Descriptor : the collection of the attributes of a variable.
- In an implementation, a descriptor is an area of memory that stores the attributes of a variable.
> If the attributes are all static, descriptors are required only at compile-time. These descriptors arebuilt by the compiler, usually as a part of a symbol table, and are used during compilation.
> For dynamic attributes, part or all of the descriptor must be maintained during execution. In this case, the descriptor is used by the run-time system.
- In all case, the descriptors are used for type checking and to build the code for the allocation and deallocation operations.
▷ Primitive data types : not defined in terms of other types
♠ numeric types ( 정수형/ 실수형)
▣ Integer
- sign bit와 absolute value로 구성
- 음수표현 : 2의 보수법 , 부호와 절대값에 의한 표현법
- size는 PL 의 구현방법에 의존
▣ Floating-Point
- 실제 숫자의 모형(?!)
- 대부분의 실제 숫자의 추정치. (정확도가 낮다).
예)) 0.1은 표현할수 없다.
- float ; exp :8bit / fraction :23bit
- double ; exp :11bit / fraction :52bit
- 구현은 하드웨어에 영향을 받을 수 있음.
▣ Decimal
- 하드웨어가 10진 데이터를 지원할 필요가 있다
- 10진데이터 타입은 10진수의 각 자리에 고정된 숫자를 저장함. 값에서 10진데이터의 소수점을 고정하면서...
◈ Binary Coded Decimal (BCD)
- good : can store decimal value exactly
- bad : memory requirement
♠ boolean(logical) types
- simplest types : false (zero) / true (non-zero)
- ALGOL60, Pascal : primitive data type
- C, C++
- Memory representation : bit/byte, smallest efficiently addressable cell of memory
♠ character types
- ascii code
- 0~127 : 128개의 다른 글자들
▷ Character string types : sequence of characters
♠ design issue
- 문자열이 단순히 문자 배열의 종류거나 원시 데이터 타입이어야 할까?
- 문자열은 반드시 static 또는 dynamic한 길이를 가져야할까?
♠ String operation
- substring reference
- catenation
- relational operator : compare
- assignment
- length
- pattern matching
---< ◈ EXAMPLE ◈>---
◈ Pascal, C, C++, Ada : string ~ stored in array of single characters (not primitive data type)
◈ Ada
- STRING : a type predefined to be single-dimensioned arrays of CHARACTER elements
- substring reference : NAME1(2:4)
- catenation : & ex. NAME1:=NAME1&NAME2;
◈ C, C++
- char arrays to store character strings
- standard library : string.h
- character strings are terminated with a special character, null
> easy to maintain the length of the sting variable
- string handling functions : strcpy, strcat, strcmp, strlen...
- string as primitive data type
- assignment, relational operator, catenation, substring
◈ Java
- String class, StringBuffer class
- for pattern matching
♠ String Length Option
♤ Static length string
- static length is specified in declaration part
- FORTRAN77/90, COBOL, Pascal, Ada
♤ Limited dynamic length strings : 사용자가 쓰기엔 편함
- the length is varying up to a declared and fixed maximum set by the variable definition
- e.g., C,C++
♤ Dynamic length string
- varying length with no maximum
- e.g., SNOBOL4, JavaScript, Perl
----- < ◈ implementation ◈ > -----
◈ Static length string
- need compile time description
- length, address
◈ Limited dynamic string
- need run-time description
- maximum length, current length, address
◈ Dynamic length string
- need run-time description
- current length
- implementation methods : linked list, adjacent storage cells
▷ User-defined ordinal types
♠ ordinal type : the range of possible values can be easily associated with the set of positive integers
♠ Enumeration type
- All of the possible values are enumerated in the definition
- example
C : typedef enum {mon, tue, wed, ..., sun} DAYS;
Ada : type DAYS is (mon, tue, wed, ..., sun)
- design issue
> Is a literal constant allowed to appear in more than one type definition?
(overloaded literals)
> Are enumeration values coerced to integer?
(Ada is)
- Operators
> predecessor, successor (pred, succ) :위치!
> position in the list of values
☞ ordinal values
> value for a given position number
> compare..
----- < ◈ Operators example ◈ > -----
◈ Pascal
- a literal constant is not allowed to be used in more than one enumeration type
- can be used as
> array subscriptor, for loop variables, case selector...
◈ C, C++
- the same literal cannot appear.......
- enumeration objects are converted to integer
◈ Ada
- similar to those of Pascal except the literals are allowed to appear in more than declarations
- Evaluation of Enumeration Type
◐ Advantage : readability, reliability
◐ Problem
- memory representation
- type checking problem
◐ Time/Space trade-off
◐ Java not include enum tyoes
♠ Subrange types
- a contiguous subsequence of an ordinal type
> no design issue
> e.g., 12 . . 14
----- < ◈ example ◈ > -----
◈ Pascal ~ standard
uppercase = 'A' .. 'Z';
index = 1 . . 100;
◈ Ada
subtype WEEKDAYS is DAYS range Mon . .Fri;
- Operations
♤ All of the operations defined for the parent type are also defined for the subtype except assignment of values outside the specified range
♤ Evaluation : readability enhance
♤ Implementation
- enumeration : association with no-negative integer
- subrange : exactly the same way as parent type except range check
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