▷ PL에 대해 접근하는 방식
♠ Compilation
- use complier / 고급언어를 기계언어로 translate해줌
- PLs used for large application, such as C++, COBOL
♠ Pure interpreter
- no translate
- usually used for smaller systems in which execution efficiency is not critical, such as scripts embedded in HTML, written in languages such as JavaScript
♠ Hybrid System
- translate programs written in high-level languages into intermediate forms, which are interpreted.
- JIT(just-in-time) compiler가 전파되면서 실행속도 개선.. Java와 .NET
- JIT컴파일러는 하이브리드 시스템을 지연된 컴파일러 시스템으로 변환시킴.
♠ Formal description of PL syntax - Context-free Grammar (type-2), BNF
* Advantage of BNF
- clear, concise
- used as the direct basis for the syntax analyzer
- easy to maintain because of their modularity
♠ compiler는 문법 분석을 2가지로 나눠서 함 : lexical analysis, syntax analysis
* lexical analysis : small-scale language construct 다룸. such as names & numeric literals.
* syntax analysis : large-scale construct. such as expressions, statements, and program units.
♣ 2가지로 나눈 이유 : simplicity / efficiency / portability
- efficiency : lexical한건 device로부터 읽어와서 블라블라~ 속도 느림.
syntax하나 건 계산만 바로하면 되니까 속도 빠름.
- portability : reuse!!!
▷ Lexical Analysis : essentially a pattern matcher
※ pattern matcher attempts to find a substring of a given string of characters that matches a given character pattern : 즉 서브스트링 찾는거...
- 초기의 패턴 매처는 유닉스에 도입된 초기 버전의 텍스트 에디터.
♠ serve as the front end of a syntax analyzer
- syntax analysis at the lowest level of program structure.
- lexeme : collect logical groupings
- token : assign internal codes for categories of these groupings
- skipping comments and blanks (프로그램의 의미와는 전혀 상관없으니까 무시)
- insert lexems for user-defined names into the symbol table (컴파일러가 나중에 프레이즈 하게...)
- detect syntactic errors & report errors to the user
◈ 3 approches to building a lexical analyzer
- formal description of the token patterns of the language
(↑↑ regular expression)
- state transition diagram (state diagram)
: directed graph.
: if/switch statement-based program
: table-driven program
◈ state-diagram representation : finite automata
(lexical analyzer를 사용한 형식의 state-diagram이 수학 머신의 클래스로 다시 표현된거)
- finite automata can be designed to recognize a class of languagese
=> regular language
- regular expressions
- regular grammar (type-3 grammar)
▷The Parsing Problem: syntax analysis
♠ Construct parse trees for given program - include all of the syntactic info.
♠ 2 Goals of syntax analysis
> to check whether the input program is syntactically correct
> to produce either a complete parse tree, or trace the structure of the complete parse tree
♠ Parsing algorithms never look ahead more than one token into the input program : sufficient to allow parsing : 토큰은 하나씩 읽는것 만으로 충분
♠ According to building direction...
- trace/build a parse tree in pre-order ⇔ leftmost
- parser's task : to find the next sentential form in that leftmost derivation
* sentential form : xAα (x:terminal/A:non-term/α:mixing string)
* Next choosing correct grammar rule is that has A as its LHS
- under one toen look ahead
* must choose the correct RHS on the basis of the next token of the input
♥ LL Parser : Table-driven parsing
♥ Recursive-descent parser
: Syntax Diagram (함부로 그리는게 아니얌! 규칙이 이쒀!!!)
: if-then-else programming technique
: restrictions in syntax diagram
- Rightmost derivation
- Given a right sentential form α,
- LR algorithm (Left-to-right scan, Rightmost derivation)
▷ Recursive descent parsing
♠ Recursive-descent parsing process
- collection of subprograms
- recursive (nested) calls
- produce a parse tree in top-down manner
♠ EBNF representation
♠ Parser has a subprogram for each nonterminal in the grammar
▷ LL Grammar Class : using symbol table
♠ Problem 1 : left recursion
ex. A:=A+B 하면 recursion 발생하니까
left recursion removal ::: 책참고!!!.
♠ Problem 2 : to choose the correct RHS (PASS)
♠ LL Parser 따라 풀어보기!
▷ LR Parser : Bottom-up Parsing/Shift-Reduce Algorithm (Rightmost derivation)
♠ Reverse of a right-most derivation
- starts with the last sentential form (input symbol)
- until all that remains is the start symbol
♠ Task is
- To find the specific RHS in the sentential form (handle)
♠ Shift-reduce
* shift action: move the next input token onto the parser's stack
* reduce action : replaces a RHS on top of the parser's stack by its corresponding LHS
♠ Pushdown automata (PDA)
♠ LR parser : use a relatively small amount of code and a parsing table
♠ LR Parser 따라 풀어보기!
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