▷ Array types : an homogenous aggregate of data elements in which the individual element is identified
by its position in the aggregate , relative to the first
♠ Design issue
- subscript의 자료형?
- subscript의 범위?
(c같은 경우는 0부터 시작... 1부터 시작하는 언어도 있음 )
- array allocation은 언제 해야할지?
- 얼마나 많은 subscript가 허용되야 할까?
(a[10][5] - 배열의 배열, a[10,5] - 2차원 배열 in pascal, ada)
- array 초기화?
- 어떤 종류의 slice를 허용할지?
♠ Array 와 indexes
- array_name(index_list) → element
- 두개의 타입
> the element type
> type of subscripts
* subrange of integer
* Pascal, Ada : boolean, character, enumeration 허용
♠ Subscript bindings and Array categories
♤ Static Array 아예고정된크기
> subscript의 범위 : statically bound
> storage allocation 또한 static
> ex. FORTRAN77
- all subscript : integer
- subscript range are statically bound
- all storage is statically allocated
> advantage : efficiency : no dynamic allocation/deallocation
♤ Fixed stack-dynamic array C와 같은 경우
> subscript의 범위 : statically bound
> storage allocation : done at declaration elaboration time during execution
> ex. Pascal Procedure / C functions
> advantage : space efficiency
dynamic array에서는 메모리가 어떻게 잡히는지에 대해 ★
♤ Stack-dynamic array ~ 생성하고 없애고 ~ 호출할때마다 개별적인 기능으로
> subscript range : dynamically bound
> storage allocation : dynamic but remain fixed during the lifetime of variable
( 동적으로 할당되지만 변수의 생명주기동안은 고정 )
> ex. Ada - flexibility
LIST: array(1..LIST_LEN) of INTEGER;
> advantage : array가 사용되기 전까지는 크기를 알 필요가 없다
♤ Heap-dynamic array
> subscript range : dynamically bound
> storage allocation : dynamic and can change any number of times during the array's lifetime
( 동적으로 할당되고 생명주기내에서는 몇번이고 변경가능)
> ex. FORTRAN 90
> ex. C, C++
* array is the pointer to some collection of memory cells
* for C : malloc, free
* for C++ : new, delete
♠ number of subscripts
- FORTRAN Ⅳ : up to 7
cf. C : only one subscript, but arrays can have array elements
=> orthogonality
ex. int mat[5][4]
♠ Array initialization
- Pascal, Modula-2 : not allowed
- FORTRAN - DATA statement
DATA LIST/0,5,5/
- C, C++
int list[] = {4,5,7,83} // initialization
- Ada
* by listing in the order
LIST:array(1..5) of INTEGER := (1,0,4,0,0)
* by directly assigning values to an index using =>
LIST:array(1..5) of INTEGER := (1=>3,3=>4,others=>0)
♠ Array Operation
- assignment (배열 자체를 copy하는 것은 불가하다. loop 이용해야함. 반면에 struct는 copy 가능)
- catenation - single dimension array
- relational operator - equality
- +
- matrix multiplication, transpose, vector dot product
- reverse, column, row ...
♠ Slices
- slice of an array : some substructure of that array. Not a new data type but only a mechanism
for referencing part of an array.
♤ Design issue
- the syntax of specifying a reference to a particular slice
ex. A(I , *) = B(I, *)
♠ Implementation of Array Types
- array element로 접근할 수 있게 해주는 코드는 반드시 complie time에 생성
- runtime 때는, 이 코드는 element를 주소로 가질 수 있게 반드시 실행
- 구현의 key point : access to array element, why?
♠ Access function for Single-dimensional array
- No way to precompute the address to be accessed by a reference such as
- A single dimensional array is a list of adjacent memory cells
ex. address(list[k]) = address(list[1])+(k-1)*element_size
- The generalization of this access function for arbitrary lower bound
* list[LB..UB], E = element size
* address(list[K]) = (address(list[LB])) + ((k-LB)*E) //시작주소+증가량
- Compile-time descriptor
* array, element type, index type, index lower bound, index upper bound address
(등의 정보 - 사용자가 올바로 썼는지 check하기 위해 descriptor로 check. assembly 언어 번역에 필요한
(충분한) 정보임)
- Run-time descriptor
( continuous 하게 붙어있거나, pointer 이용할 수도 있 고)
* case 1 : no runtime checking of index range and the attributes are all static
(C언어는 runtime descriptor 없음)
- only the access funciton is required during execution
* case 2 : runtime checking of index range is don
- those index ranges may need to be stored in a run-time descriptor
* case 3 : any of the descriptor entries are dynamically bound
- those part of the descriptor must be maintained at run-time
♠ Multidimensional Array
- 2 이상의 차원을 갖는 데이터 타입의 객체는 반드시 1차원 메모리로 맵핑되야 함
* row major order (대부분의 언어)
* column major order (FORTRAN, why?)
- 2 차원 배열의 접근 함수
- Descriptor : complie-time / run-time descriptor
(컴파일러가 갖고 있음. 차원이 많을수록 더 복잡해짐)
▷ Record and Union types :
♠ Record Type : possibly heterogeneous aggregate of data elements in which the individual elements
are identifies by name
♤ Design issue
- What is the syntatic form of reference to fields? ( . / of / in )
- Are elliptical reference allowed?
♤ Definitions of Record
- Record name & fields : fields are not referenced by index
- COBOL : level number
- Pascal, Ada : nesting record declaration
- C, C++ : struct
- FORTRAN : none
♤ References to Record Field
- OF notation in COBOL
> field_name OF record_name 1 OF ... OF record_name n
- Dot(.) notation : must others
- full qualified reference(생략ㄴㄴ), elliptical reference(생략ㅇㅋ)
> 생략ㄴㄴ 예. x.c.s != x.s
> 생략ㅇㅋ 예. x.c.s = x.s
- with clause in Pascal
♤ Operations on Records
- Assignment
: common record operation
: the types of the two sides must be identical
- Equality or inequality in Ada (같은지 여부 검사 가능)
♤ Implementation
- the fields are stored in adjacent memory location
- offset, relative to the beginning of this record, is associated with each field
- compile time descriptor
♠ Union Type : may store different type values at different times during program execution
♤ Design issue
: should type checking be required? (type check는 runtime때만)
: should unions be embedded in record?
♤ C, C++
- free union types 포함
- a separate category of types and are not part of the record type
- no tags of any sort and and no type checking of references is done
♤ Examples
- FORTRAN union type
-> X and Y are to cohabit the same storage location
- Pascal union type
- record variant
- discriminated unions within a record structure
- the variable figure consists of the tag and sufficient memory for its largest variant
- problems with pascal union (문제점)
> the user program can change the tag without making a corresponding change in the variant
- inconsistency ( tag - variant )
- all type error can not be detected
- the programmer can simply omit the tag from the variant record ; free union
- neither the user nor the system had any way to determine the current variant type
- Ada union type
- constrained variant variable
- perfectly safe
- type can change by assignment of a whole record, including the discriminant
▷ Set types :
: can store unordered collections of distinct values from some ordinal type
( base type )
♠ Design issue
- what should be the maximum number of elements in a set base type?
♠ Operation
- membership test, inclusion test
- equality test
- union, intersection, difference (합집합/교집합/차집합)
♠ Examples : sets in Pascal
type colors = (red, green, blue, black, white, yellow);
colorset = set of colors;
var set1, set2 : colorset;
set1 := [red, blue, yellow, white];
set2 := [black, blue];
♠ Implementation of Set Types
- A bit string of memory
- set operation
> union : bit-wise OR
> intersection : bit-wise AND
> membership : bit-wise AND
♠ set operations in C
typedef enum {red, green, blue, black, ...} COLORSET;
set1 = (red|green|blue);
set2 = set1|(green|black);
set1 = set1 & set2;
▷ Pointer and Reference types :
: the variable of pointer type has a range of values that consists of memory address and a special value, nil
(가리키고 있는 곳의 값을 표현.
고급언어 - 가리키는곳의 타입을 명시 (ex. int *p)
또는 가리키는 곳의 타입 명시 않음 (ex. pointer p) - low level에 가까운언어 )
♠ Usage
- indirect addressing
- dynamic storage management
- heap
- heap-dynamic variable
- variable without name is anonymous variable
♠ Design Issues
- pointer 변수의 범위(scope)와 생명주기(lifetime)
- lifetime of heap-dynamic ? user-control..allocation()/free()
- pointer가 가리킬 수 있는 객체의 타입이 제한적인가?
- 포인터는 dynamic storage management에? indirect addressing에? 아니면 둘다?
- 언어는 pointer 형을 지원? reference 형을 지원? 둘다 지원?
♠ Pointer Operation
♤ Assignment
- sets a pointer variable to the address of some object
♤ Dereferencing
- reference to the value in the memory cell whose address is in the memory cell to witch the variable
is bound
♠ Pointer Problem
♤ Dangling pointers
: 포인터가 이미 deallocated된 heap-dynamic 변수의 주소를 갖고 있는 경우
: type checking 문제
: dangling pointers problem
-> an explicit deallocation for dynamic variable
♤ Lost Heap-dynamic variables
: 할당된 dynamic 개체가 더이상 사용자 프로그램에 접근할 수 없지만 여전히 유용한 데이터를 갖고 있을 때.
---> garbage
: In case the creating a lost heap-dynamic variable
p1 = malloc(...);
- - -
p1 = malloc(...);
♠ Solutions to the Dangling Pointers
♤ Tombstone
- 모든 dynamic 변수들은 tombstone이라는 특별한 공간을 포함
- dynamic 변수가 deallocate되면 tombstone은 여전히 남아있지만 그 값은 nill이 됨
- 문제점)
: tombstone의 공간은 절대 deallocate될 수 없음
: indirect addressing
♤ Locks-and-keys
- UW-Pascal의 구현
- Representation
* pointer value ordered pair (key, address)
* Heap-dynamic variable : storage for the variable + a header cell for integer lock value
- Operation
* when a dynamic variable is allocated, a lock value is created and places in the lock cell of dynamic
and the key cell of the pointer :: new
* every access to the dereference pointers compare key value and lock value
* if match, the access is legal. Otherwise a runtime error occurs.
* when a dynamic variable is deallocated, its lock value is cleared to an illegal lock value : dispose
♠ Pointers in Various Languages
♤ Pascal : new and function dispose
♤ Ada : access type
♤ C, C++ : *, &
♠ Heap Management
- very complex run-time process
- heap storage is allocated/deallocated
* single size
* variable size
♤ single size heap management
* allocation
- available cells are linked using the pointer
* deallocation
- reference counter ( eager approach )
: is done when inaccessible cells are created, incrementally
- garbage collection ( lazy approach )
: when the list of available space becomes empty
♤ variable size heap management
* Single size management
* Garbage collection problems
- initialization
- marking processing
- maintaining the list of available
▷ Type checking
: the activity of ensuring that the operands of an operator are of compatible types
◎ compatible type : either legal for the operator or allowed under language rules to be implicitly converted
to a legal type
◎ Coercion
예) 정수 + 실수 => 실수가 정수형으로 되어 연산
◎ Type error
◎ static type checking / dynamic type checking
(컴파일 시) (실행 중)
▷ Strong Typing
: a programming language is strongly typed if type errors are always detected.
◎ this requires that the types of all operands can be determined, either at compile time or at run time
◎ FORTRAN, Modula2, C, C++ : NO
◎ Pascal, Ada : nearly
◎ ML, Java : yes
◎ why?
▷ Type Equivalence (Compatibility)
struct { int a, int b} x
struct { int a, int b} y
struct { int c, int d } z
◎ Name equivalence
ex. x = y, x != z (이름이 같아야 함)
◎ Structural equivalence
ex. x = y = x (이름이 달라도 알맹이가 같음)
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