Computers/Language java 17

Interface / polymorphism / Event Handling / Inheritance / GUI

전용뷰어 보기ch11. Interface and Polymorphism - ★ 코드의 재사용, ★ polymorphism으로 구현- inner class는 implements로 event-handler interfaces하는 classes에 유용 To learn about interfaces (인터페이스에 대해 배우기)Interface : A model for a class that specifies the fields and methods that must be present in a class that implements the interface실행되어야 하는 중요한 코드를 more general, more reusable 하게 한다Interface의 특징 ( 클래스와의 차이점 )Abstract (추..

week8. Graphic User Interface

week7. practical lab test ~ pass (...ㅠ.ㅜ...망했따능)다음주 시험은 잘봐야지!!! ◆ Graphic Applications and Frame Windows◇ Steps to show a frame1. Construct and object of the JFrame classJFrame frame = new JFrame();2. Set the size of the frameframe.setSize(300,400);3. If you'd like, set the title of the frameframe.setTitle("An Empty Frame");4. Set the "default close operation"frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFram..