
Pv domU GUI setting @ debian wheezy

emzei 2014. 7. 31. 11:04

0. if you want to make a gui PV domU from the scratch, i recommed the 1st step when you install initramfs-tools and before make the initrd.img file

1.  in Guest (CUI), install using this command - (install GNOME-desktop)

gnome includes all things for desktop

 # apt-get install gnome 

plan B -(if this is not worked in VM - not recommended but when you definitely need it )

mount the VM's Filesystem and install as much as you can.

in my case, there is GDG signiture verification is failed in VM. Thus, I did in this way

(In Host Side)

# mount -o (guest image file path) (mount file path)

# chroot (mount file path)


# pwd


# mount -o guest.img /mnt

# chroot /mnt

(Host Side --- In chrooted terminal)

# pwd


# apt-get install gnome

...(installation sentenses...)...

# exit

(back to Host Side)

by this way, you can install gnome but not perfectly.

Install as mush as you can. and then boot up the VM.

Maybe it has failure its system if you install this already you used your VM.  and then you need to recover using fsck.

after fsck, reboot the VM and continue to install

# apt-get install gnome

and the VM is installed the remained gnome files.

2. after then, add a sentence to the cfg file.

#virtual frame buffer
vfb=[ "type=vnc, vncunused=1, vnclisten=" ]

3. boot up VM without attaching console.

# xl create sample.cfg

and then,

# xl list                                  # checking the VM's domain id

# xl vncviewer  (domid)     # attaching vncviwer to the VM

if you have not installed the VNCViewer,

# apt-get install vncviewer

++ if you did not install perfectly, even in the GUI mode, open the terminal and continue to install the gnome.


I still find why the gdg signiture is failed in VM's side. anybody know?

+++ and there is such a foolish system why I can't access well... due to VM's network verification in this Network system area... OTL

(reference links)