Computers/Language java

week9. Interfaces and Polymorphism

emzei 2011. 4. 10. 19:54

◆ Interfaces vs. Classes

◇ Interface type 

- All methods are abstract : they don't have to implementation

- All methods in an interface type are automatically public

- An interface type does not have instance fields

◈ Interface

: collection of abstract methods

◈ Abstract methods

: methods without body/implementation

◆ Declaring an Interface

public interface InterfaceName


       method signatures


- don't have instance fields, body

can have constant value (final)

 Implementing an Interface Type

- Use implements reserved word to indicate that a class implements an interface type

public class BankAccount implements Measurable 

  public double 

     return balance; 

- A class can implement more one interface type

* Class must declare all the methods that are required by all the interfaces it implements

◆ Converting Between Class and Interface Types

- You can convert from a class type to an interface type, provided the class implements

 BankAccount account = new BankAccount(10000); 
 Measurable x = account; // OK

 Coin dime = new Coin(0.1, "dime"); 
 Measurable x = dime; // Also OK 

- Cannot convert between unrelated types:

 Measurable x = new Rectangle(5, 10, 20, 30); // ERROR

Because Rectangle doesn’t implement Measurable

 Casts ( changing object's type )

- ex.

Add Coin objects to DataSet:

  DataSet coinData = new DataSet(); 
coinData.add(new Coin(0.25, "quarter")); 
coinData.add(new Coin(0.1, "dime")); 
coinData.add(new Coin(0.05, ”nickel")); 
Measurable max = 
coinData.getMaximum(); // Get the largest coin

What can you do with max? It’s not of type Coin:

  String name = max.getName(); // ERROR

You need a cast to convert from an interface type to a class type

You know it’s a Coin, but the compiler doesn’t. Apply a cast:

  Coin maxCoin = (Coin) max; 
String name = 

If you are wrong and max isn’t a coin, the program throws an exception and terminates
Difference with casting numbers:
When casting number types you agree to the information loss
When casting object types you agree to that risk of causing an exception 

◆ Polymorphism (★★★ concept)

- An interface variable holds a reference to object of a class that implements the interface :

Measurable meas;

meas = new BankAccount(10000); 

meas = new Coin(0.1, "dime");

  Note that the object to which meas refers does not have type Measurable

  the type of the object is some class that implements the Measurable interface

- You can call any of the interface methods :

double m = meas.getMeasure();

- When the virtual machine calls an instance method, it locates the method of the implicit parameter's class - calleddynamic method lookup

* If meas refers to a BankAccount object, then meas.getMeasure() calls the BankAccount.getMeasure method

* If meas refers to a Coin object, then method Coin.getMeasure is called

- Polymorphism (many shapes) denotes the ability to treat objects with differences in behavior in a uniform way

◆ Using Interfaces for Callbacks

- Limitations of Measurable interface :

Can add Measurable interface only to classes under your control
Can measure an object in only one way

E.g., cannot analyze a set of savings accounts both by bank balance and by interest rate 

Callback : a mechanism for specifying code that is executed at a later time

- ex.

>>> In previous DataSet implementation, responsibility of measuring lies with the added objects themselves 
Alternative: Hand the object to be measured to a method of an interface:

   public interface Measurer 
    double measure(Object 

 Object is the “lowest common denominator” of all classes 
The code that makes the call to the callback receives an object of class that implements this interface:

public DataSet(Measurer aMeasurer)


   sum = 0;

   count = 0;

   maximum = null;

   measurer = aMeasurer; // Measurer instance variable


The measurer instance variable carries out the measurements:

public void add(Object x)


   sum = sum + measurer.measure(x);

   if (count == 0 || measurer.measure(maximum) < measurer.measure(x))

      maximum = x;



A specific callback is obtained by implementing the Measurer interface:

  public class RectangleMeasurer implements Measurer 

   public double measure(Object 
aRectangle = (Rectangle) anObject
      double area = 
aRectangle.getWidth() *   
      return area; 

Must cast from Object to Rectangle:

  Rectangle aRectangle = (Rectangle) anObject

 Inner Classes

- Trivial class can be declared inside a method :

public class DataSetTester3


   public static void main(String[] args)


      class RectangleMeasurer implements Measurer




      Measurer m = new RectangleMeasurer();

      DataSet data = new DataSet(m);



- If inner class is declared inside an enclosing class, but outside its methods, it is available to all methods of enclosing class:

public class DataSetTester3


   class RectangleMeasurer implements Measurer


      . . .


   public static void main(String[] args)


      Measurer m = new RectangleMeasurer();

      DataSet data = new DataSet(m);

      . . .



- Compiler turns an inner class into a regular class file:


◆ Mock Objects ( based on interface )

- Want to test a class before the entire program has been completed

- A mock object provides the same services as another object, but in a simplified manner

- ex.

Example: a grade book application, GradingProgram, manages quiz scores using class GradeBook with methods:

public void addScore(int studentId, double score)

public double getAverageScore(int studentId)

public void save(String filename)

Want to test GradingProgram without having a fully functional GradeBook class 


Declare an interface type with the same methods that the GradeBook class provides

Convention: use the letter as a prefix for the interface name:

public interface IGradeBook


   void addScore(int studentId, double score);

   double getAverageScore(int studentId);

   void save(String filename);

   . . .


The GradingProgram class should only use this interface, never the GradeBook class which implements this interface 

◆ Events, Event Sources, and Event Listener

- User interface events include key presses, mouse moves, button clicks, and so on

◇ Event listener

Notified when event happens

Belongs to a class that is provided by the application programmer

Its methods describe the actions to be taken when an event occurs

A program indicates which events it needs to receive by installing event listener objects 

◇ Event source

User interface component that generates a particular event

Add an event listener object to the appropriate event source

When an event occurs, the event source notifies all event listeners 

◆ Processing Timer Events

- timer -> millisecond

javax.swing.Timer generates equally spaced timer events, sending events to installed action listeners

- Useful whenever you want to have an object updated in regular interval

- ex.

Declare a class that implements the ActionListener interface:

  class MyListener implements ActionListener  

actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) 
 Listener action (executed at each timer event) 

Add listener to timer and start timer:

  MyListener listener = new MyListener(); 
Timer t = new Timer(interval, listener); 

 Mouse Events

- Use a mouse listener to capture mouse events

- ex.

Implement the MouseListener interface:

  public interface MouseListener 

mousePressed(MouseEvent event); 
   // Called when a mouse button has been pressed on a  
   // component 
mouseReleased(MouseEvent event); 
   // Called when a mouse button has been released on a 
   // component 
mouseClicked(MouseEvent event); 
   // Called when the mouse has been clicked on a component 
mouseEntered(MouseEvent event); 
   // Called when the mouse enters a component

     void mouseExited(MouseEvent event); 
   // Called when the mouse exits a component



mousePressedmouseReleased: Called when a mouse button is pressed or released

mouseClicked: If button is pressed and released in quick succession, and mouse hasn’t moved

mouseEnteredmouseExited: Mouse has entered or exited the component’s area 


- Call repaint when you modify the shapes that paintComponent draws :

box.setLocation(x, y);


- Mouse listener : if the mouse is pressed, listener moves the rectangle to the mouse location:

  class MousePressListener implements MouseListener 

   public void 
mousePressed(MouseEvent event) 
int x = event.getX(); 
int y = event.getY(); 
component.moveTo(x, y);


     // Do-nothing methods 
   public void 
mouseReleased(MouseEvent event) {} 
   public void 
mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) {} 
   public void 
mouseEntered(MouseEvent event) {} 
   public void 
mouseExited(MouseEvent event) {}